Tuesday, November 24, 2009

CARICATURE (from Pip's point of view)

As I approached the Satis house, I saw a girl, not pretty, not tall, walking near the gates. She stared straight at me, and said "Why are you staring at me like that? You may kiss me, if you'd like." She pushed her hair behind her ears and stared at me once again.
I wanted to know who this girl was - what was she doing here?
"I'm Laura. You must be Pip. I heard you are in love with my sister." She pushed her tangled, dark hair back behind her ears.
This girl was Estella's sister? She did not remind me of her at all - she was not beautiful, and not graceful. Her forehead was dotted with pimples, and her nose was too large. But at the same time Laura did remind me of her beautiful sister. Was it her posture? No. Her eyes? No. Her speech?
Yes! The way she spoke, the words she said, was identical to that of Estella. How strange - I did not like this girl. She seems cold, harsh, and unkind.

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